Danny's Passing

We are very saddened to say that on the evening of March 22, 2009 Danny Carlson passed away due to a massive stroke. All indications are that he died quickly, with very little suffering.

Danny is an amazing person who touched many people's lives. We want this website to help connect all the incredible people in Danny's life, to share information with you on how we plan to honor him, and provide a place for us all to share thoughts, prayers and memories of Danny.

The memorial service was held on Saturday, March 28th in Colorado near Danny's home town. You can share stories about Danny here.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Share your memories...

We encourage anyone to post comments, stories and pictures (just email us for a link that will make it easy to post pictures), or comment at the link below. Let's celebrate Danny together.


  1. Danny has touched every aspect of my life. He is an enormous part of who I am and will be in the future. He was fun, handsom, funny, brilliant, stubborn, passionate, and determined. I love you Danny and the world will miss you.

  2. Danny was apart of our houshold and a big part of our daughter Lori's life. He was an incredibly
    talented young man that had a very bright future ahead of him. He will be missed profoundly.
    The void that he left in Lori's heart will never be filled.

  3. For such a young man he accomplished a lot. World traveler, master carpenter, double bachelor, three languages and the love of my life. He lived well, always. He took every opportunity to experience, enjoy and live his life to the fullest. Everyone that knew him adored him and he will live on every day with me and the many other people that were fortunate enough to be around him.Thank you Danny for everything you taught me.

  4. Danny,
    You were one of our most dearest friends. You were a part of some of the most important parts of Mike and my life. You were there when Mike and I first dated. You came to our wedding at Blue Lake Ranch in Durango, Colorado. You came to visit us after the birth of all three of our children. You came to our children's birthdays. We celebrated yours and Mikes college graduation. We took an amazing road trip to Mexico. Because of all of this you hold a special memory in my heart forever.

    On top of these memories, Danny was an amazing friend. If I had ever needed help in any way, Danny would be there. He would help fix things around our house, fix our car, he would help out with dishes if he was over hanging out. He would talk German with my kids. I loved all of this about Danny and because of this I always knew no matter the distance Danny would be our friend for always. I am heartbroken that he will not pop into our lives unexpectedly. As years went by we would not see Danny for months and then out of the blue Danny would show up at our door with beer and a great story about where he has been and what he has been up to.

    I will miss this the most. Danny I love you and I will never forget you. Love, Ashley Thoma

  5. I had the pleasure of meeting Danny just once, at Ryan and Melissa's wedding in Yelapa, Mexico. Even though that was a brief meeting, he immediately struck me as someone with an enormous capacity to live life to the fullest and as someone who sought out an adventure every chance he got. From all the stories I've heard since, that's exactly how he lived his life, which is admirable as well as inspiring. My thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Carlson family.

    - Kate Scott

  6. He shed light by burning the binds which tethered him here. If the fates have humour, we might be friends in our next lives. His passion and determination drastically affected those around him, and what he has taught me could never be forgotten. Farewell Danny.

  7. Danny, you to me is the toe head little kid who tagged along with all of us in the neighborhood. I know I havent seen much of you and your family in alot of years but, I will miss you very much. love you, tobi randle

  8. Danny was an amazing person. He always seemed to have the wind at his back and the sun on his face. His free spirited-ness should be an inspiration to us all in these hectic times. He truly lived life well. I will remember him fondly.

    Danny the memory of you and your journey thru life will always bring the wind to my back and put a little bit of sun on my face. Thank you for being a part of my journey. My only regret is that I didn't know you longer. Cheers to you.

  9. Danny touched a lot of people in crested butte including myself and many of the staff at LOBAR. I'm still blown away and don't have much to add at this point. but his never ending smile is already missed.

    benjamin diem

  10. The following link should redirect to YOU TUBE where i posted a quick video of danny, illustrating his amazing carpentry skills, broad sense of humor + broader smile!!


    -benjamin diem

  11. Sending all our LOVE from Crested Butte!! Danny was one of my most favorite people that I've ever met! I don't think that there was EVER a time that he didn't have that awesome smile on his face, and there was NEVER a time that he didn't give me a huge when I saw him. Danny help us build our restaurant in Crested Butte, Colorado. I looked forward to seeing him there everyday, he was one of the most fun, motivated people I knew. To his parents: I'm sure you already know, "your son was an incredible person" We are deeply saddened by your loss. We will cherish the memories of the times we spent with him. He will be sadly missed in Crested Butte, Danny had lot's of friends here that loved him dearly!!

    Kyleena Graceffa

  12. I had the privilege of working with Danny for the last 2 weeks in San Francisco and I can tell you his smile and can do attitude never faltered once. I really believe he had a great 2 weeks in the city with his brother, friends and even a girl he met. It was as if he knew . . . but he lived every moment that way. He enjoyed life more in 28 years than most of us will in 70 and that will always remain an example to me. Peace brother and happy trails-

  13. Last summer, Danny and I sat together through many softball games. I always got a smile on my face when I saw him walking toward me to take a seat on the bleachers because I knew laughter and good times were to be had. Danny had such an uplifting, free spirit and a heart of gold. We will miss you, Danny! xoxo's, e

  14. Danny was family to a lot of people in Crested Butte... he made us smile, laugh, and appreciate the true values of friendship.

    I met Danny only six months ago and he welcomed me into his life like a sister. He will forever leave an impact on so many people in the short period of time he had.

    Forever in our thoughts and hearts.


  15. There are some lights that few people can detect; some that start off as a spark before igniting into something greater…and then there are some lights like Danny’s, that shine bright enough to be seen instantly and endlessly.
    I met Danny through his amazing friends Drew and Nick while he was working and staying in San Francisco. I was immediately drawn to his vibrant spirit, wit, charm and passion for life, and consider myself incredibly fortunate to have experienced what his friends and family already know – that he was an amazing person and has a spirit that will live on in all the lives that he touched. Cheers and love, Kati

  16. I just loved the way he would greet everyone like an excited little puppy. If he'd had a tail it would have always been wagging. He was just so exuberant it was infectious.

  17. I worked with Danny on the Aspen cabinet crew, and I am proud to consider myself a friend of his in Crested Butte. That's me in the circular saw sandwich video, sharing that professionally cut delicacy with Danny. I'm so glad that Ben found that video, as it was a funny moment at the end of a long day.

    What I will always remember about Danny is his huge, amazing smile. Every time I saw him I had to prepare myself for the smile, shoulder slap, hug, and veritable joy he expressed at seeing me. I think everyone that knew him can relate to that. The kid was genuinely happy, and his smile practically engulfed everyone who was lucky enough to come in contact with him. It never got old, either. Every time I saw him it was the same thing. The giant smile, accompanied by a bear hug, or handshake, or whatever physical contact he had in store for me. He was so damn happy, he made me happy, and that's saying something. He was taken from us too soon, and I will miss him and his all encompassing smile a great deal. There aren't many people in my life that make me excited to see them because they are excited to see me. Danny was one. Watch over us, brother, and keep smiling. You made us all happier for it.

    Pete G.

  18. My first lasting memory of Danny Bret (that's what we called him in the early days) was of this infectious-grinned towhead squirt asking my wife Nancy and I "why did the mouse cross the road?.......because it was stapled to the side of the chicken!" As much as we cracked up from the joke itself even more so were we cracking up from the delivery...especially that darn grin! Even though we haven't had the chance to see him much as he was growing into adulthood, from the posts on this site, sounds like he carried his infectiousness with him the rest of his life ...short as it was. Our prayers and thoughts are with the rest of the family. God is good! - and while we may not see it now, one day it will be so evident even in Danny's "untimely" death.

  19. I had the chance to meet Danny on Several occassions through Jason Lane. I would go to the Lane family/friend events and party's. The party got even better the second that Danny showed up in the room. You could plan on laughing until your stomach hurt so bad. Danny was an amazing person. My husband and I got the chance to sit next to him one of the friends table's at Sacha and Jeremy's wedding. We were almost crying 15 min into sitting down because he just made everyone laugh so much. I was shocked to hear about the loss of Danny. I will be forever grateful that I was gifted with the opportunity to meet Danny. The get togethers will never be the same with out him. My thoughts and prayers are with all of Danny's Close friends and family, as this is a huge loss. Watch over us Danny until we all meet again.
    The Martinez Family

  20. I don't even know where to start, this is on of the most difficult things I've had to write. Danny was the first person I met when I moved to Parker in the early 90's. I remember getting on the bus and sitting in front of this goofy looking kid who proceeded to throw every insult a fifth grader knew at me. I hated him!! But, within no time at all I realized that Danny was a great guy, and as we all grew up our friendship bloomed. It's hard for me to imagine doing anything with my old friends without Danny's laugh and overall good cheer there to keep us happy and entertained. He always had a way to make you feel good, no matter what the situation was. What is the fourth of July gonna be without Danny bouncing around Red Rocks making friends with everyone he runs into to? I dunno, I miss you Danny, as does everyone else. I know you're in a better place now, and looking down on all these people who love and care for you so much. You left us too soon and will always be missed. I love you Danny and I look forward to the time we meet again. All my love goes to his family and everyone else who was affected by this amazing person. Tyler

  21. As Sacha's mom I've had numerous opportunities to celebrate occasions and gatherings with her friends. They've always made me feel welcome and comfortable at these events; but Danny was exceptional at making you feel special. He had the ability to light up the room, just by entering it. He could converse with anyone on any topic. Danny was bright, caring, and always glib. I will miss his one thousand watt smile and his laugh. my thoughts and prayers are with lori and her family as they try to cope with their loss under these most difficult circumstances. Lynne

  22. Danny,

    Du warst ein super Freund und wir haben schon ziemlich viel miteinander erlebt. Die guten, schlechten, und verrueckten Zeiten werde ich nicht vergessen und ich bin froh dass ich sie mit Dir erlebt habe. Schade dass Du diese Welt schon so frueh verlassen musstest, aber die Erinnerungen werden mir nicht entgehen. Ich werde es leider nicht zu Deiner Beerdigung morgen schaffen; dafuer trinken Ashley und ich morgen einen auf Dich! Das Glas wird weit hochgehoben...
    Du fehlst mir schon sehr Danny und es betruebt mich zu wissen dass Du nicht mehr in meinem Leben auftauchen wirst. Dennoch bin ich froh Dich gekannt zu haben und einen Teil Deines Lebens teilen zu koennen.
    Ich werde Dich in meinen Gedanken behalten so wie Du warst, und auch jetzt bringst Du mich zum lachen wenn ich zurueck an die alten Zeiten denke.
    Reste in Frieden mein Freund.
    Dein Freund,

  23. I have known a lot of people in my life, but Danny was one of those people who just stood out to me. He always had a beautiful smile on his face that could turn any frown up-side down! He could make ANYONE laugh! He was the type of person to go into a bar alone and know everyone in there by the time he left! His spirit will live on in everyone he touched along the way!! He was put on this earth for a reason... and apparently he finished early. Can't be mad at him. I am so sorry I could not make it to the funeral service. I am looking forward to seeing Danny again someday. My thoughts are with you all. Love always. Tiffani.

  24. Happy Birthday Baby 4/4/09

    Happy Birthday Baby,
    today is your day.
    Freezing ice, blowing snow,
    you always get yor way.
    The world stops in motion,
    nailed to the ground.
    My tears for you freeze on my cheaks,
    they never make it down.
    Your destiny is not forgotten,
    it manifests in my heart.
    What seems the road to nowhere,
    is only where it starts.
    Your loving breath within me,
    gets me out of bed.
    The moments we shared together,
    swimming in my head.
    Today I'll take off my uniform,
    as you had advised.
    And remember the love you gave me,
    screaming in your eyes.
    Pictures and places seem like a dream.
    Memories rise and memories fall,
    candlelight flickers against the wall.
    The mountains you climbed were much like your love,
    allowing me to gaze at the clouds,
    and somehow ascend above.
    You taught me more than you could know,
    freezing ice and blowing snow.

    Love Always,
    Lori Fisher

  25. I knew Danny through our German conversation group in Durango. I had many good conversations with him, and I admired his aptitude in so many different areas – intellectual and physical. I vividly remember the last time I saw him, during the winter of 2007 – 2008: the German group met at my house, and toward the end of our meeting he stormed in unexpectedly, he had driven down from Crested Butte just to pay us a surprise visit. We are all grateful for having known you, Danny!

    Laszlo Szuecs

  26. Pete and Cook RodgersApril 11, 2009 at 8:31 PM

    How We Met Danny

    We went to bed early that night and our boys each had a friend come to visit after we crashed for the night. They were leaving for their trip to SouthEast Asia in about a week and wanted to get in some time with friends. They stayed up late into the night playing music and enjoying each others company out in the teepee, with a fire burning in the fire pit and a big candle alight. Around 3:00 am, they decided they were finally tired, so out went the fire and the candle. They noticed that the wax from the candle had burned down into the stump on which it was sitting so they poured some water on it and our boys came in the house and went to bed and their friends climbed into their sleeping bags in the teepee. Around 5:00 in the morning, we heard a commotion outside and stepped out on the deck asking - "what happened?" The reply we got was, "the teepee burned down!" Two guys were standing there with the hose and sure enough the teepee cover was gone, vanished, and the teepee poles were crashed to the ground in a charred heap. We were astounded, because we slept through it, our dogs slept through it, our boys slept through it, the neighbors slept through it, and the fire department didn't come. All we could think of was thank goodness no one was hurt. It took fast, clear thinking and action to get out of the teepee, find the hose and put out the fire. We went to wake up our boys, telling them what happened. Ross jumped up immediately, Torrey took a second rousing. It was then that we gained a bit of clarity, and though we knew Ross's friend Casey well, we realized we hadn't yet met Torrey's friend. So it seemed a little funny to say, nice to meet you Danny, under these circumstances, but there was this tall, blond guy with a big smile and pretty cool and calm considering what he had just been through. Needless to say, there was a lot of nervous energy floating around that morning. So what else could we do but make blueberry pancakes and sit down to breakfast together? And that's what we did and we began to know Danny.

    Cook and Pete - Torrey and Ross's Parents

  27. When we first met, punches were thrown
    After sharing stories, our friendship had grown
    Always willing to help, all you can ask for from a friend
    Didn't matter the time of day, you always would defend
    After teaching me some chords, a couple acoustic songs
    We drank all night and partied hard, nothing could go wrong
    But now my friend the time has come, you're in the great unknown
    With us you leave a part of you, You will never be alone

    I miss you buddy

    -Chris Kolstedt

  28. I wanted to share with everyone the places I scattered Danny's ashes during the dates 6/12/09-6/15/09. If you are familiar with the area I'm sure you will know exactly where I'm talking about.
    The marked overlook on Wolf Creek pass. Fort Lewis College, the bench overlooking Durango. The Animus River. The overlook to Twilight Mountain in the Weminuch Wilderness. Aztec New Mexico, the riverside park, in the grass. The Lost Lake off the Florida river. Lemon Reservoir. Cascade Creek. I also planted two trees in the Parker area, both watered with the ash of Danny and growing tall.
    On 6/28/09 Laurie Carlson, my family and I plan to spread him over Chatfield Reservoir from a hot air balloon.
    I am also having a BBQ on 7/12/09. Fulfilling Danny's last wish is optional and all that wish to come are invited.

    Lori Fisher

  29. ... and the cliffs at Navajo Lake.


  30. We still miss you Danny and think about you every day. A year has passed and it's like I was with you yesterday. I hold you so close to me that you have become a part of me that will never fade. My daughter will be proud to hold your name.
    With love always!
    Lori Fisher

  31. I still cant beleive it has been a year already and i still miss you very much.tobi

  32. 4/4/2011

    It was a beautiful day,
    the day you were born.
    And on this day we can't help but to mourn,
    not your birth but the life that has passed.
    The ashes we spread growing tall in the grass.
    Our beautiful memories are sung by the birds,
    so expansive and endless they can't be spoken with words.
    The waves on the shore are bringing you home.
    Every day that the sunlight falls,
    we are one step closer to where you are.
    The clear blue skies echo the patience in your eyes.
    They remind me of a day that is never cloudy and never gray.
    It was not death that you feared,
    only a life chased down with the falling of tears.
    For this reason we will celebrate the day,
    knowing that when we think of you, you are never far away.
    As my life scrambles forward,
    parts of me shed on the path.
    I know the things that are sure to last.
    With these things you will always remain,
    it is the part of me removed from pain.


  33. I met Danny in 2003 as we were both in Regensburg, he was studying and I was working for BMW. I am just about 2 years late in realizing his passing, as I had never directly visited his fb page and the few times I tried to connect with him (made an attempt to meet up in Durango as I was in the Conejos at my grandparents cabin) over the years it just didn't work out. I am deeply saddened that he is no longer with us. The two months that I had to get to know him, I recognized what a great guy he was. I have a vivid memory of the night he was stabbed by a coworker and "friend" of ours after a night of drinking and discussing sensitive subjects. I will never forget that night of course and we were forever bonded from that experience. We rushed him to the hospital and visited him the few days he was there recovering. My condolences to his family and friends. To this day, I smile when I think of him and it truly saddens me to know he is now gone.

    Creed Cate

  34. Armed and Dangerous

    Some wounds are not meant to heal.
    They keep bleeding long after the scar has set.
    They hold memories and thoughts not wished to fade.
    Time heals all wounds… they didn’t know you.
    Didn’t know you lived your life fast, like a bullet.
    Ready, aimed and fired.
    Moving through life with such velocity it breaks all barriers of time.
    Pointed at your target, unstoppable.
    Forever traveling with those you loved, and those who loved you back.
    Like a train on it’s track.
    Carrying insurmountable luggage on its back.
    Never to return to one small portion or moment of its existence.
    Conquering life with solid resistance.
    Would I have slipped from the cliff without your strong arm?
    Would I now be closer to the cold grip of harm?
    Thank you; a phrase often to be said,
    The words come up effortlessly from the top of your head.
    These words are not meant to be read, but endlessly beat in my heart.


  35. Lost

    You always made everything better.
    The world is lost without you.
    A little cloudier without you.
    The shades of the color wheel unite.
    They somehow aren't as bright, without you.
    We are all following the same path.
    Baby steps to huge leaping bounds.
    Smiling faces to desolate frowns.
    Squirming worms at the end of a hook.
    To a new born child waiting to sneak their very first look.
    What they see, although filled with amaze and wonder...
    Somehow looses some of it's thunder, without you.

    You are still always in my heart.

  36. 3/28/13

    True Story

    I remember dancing on the edge of the world.
    Beneath us a huge chasm filled with broken rocks, rubble and lost identities.
    We threw our inhibitions in the hole, they whistled as they found their new home buried between the jagged rocks.
    They may have been sliced.
    Led by uncomplicated trust we entered a mountain. The twisting tunnels and the silence of our voices giving a new meaning to pitch black.
    Inside we found cleanliness and clarity, sweet on our tongues.
    Together we submerged, leaving the tiny village of Colera to bath and drink from our enjoyment.
    These memories we have created can make me glow when all lights are out.
    I revel in their depth, privacy and serenity.


  37. 4/4/14

    A ripple in space.
    A ripple in time.
    Small and meek.
    Yet utterly divine.
    A fifty pound weight hanging from my chest.
    It's hard to bare but I wouldn't give it back.



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